Wondering about wetlands?
March 11, 2025

Wetlands are unique ecosystems that are flooded by water either permanently or for part of the year. Sounds simple, but wetlands are important ecosystems, vital to supporting plants and animals. They can also act as natural carbon sinks, absorbing and storing carbon from the atmosphere.
Canada has about 1.29 million km2 of wetlands, which is close to one quarter of the world’s remaining wetlands.[1] Learn more below about wetlands and the important role they play in the boreal forest ecosystem.
How do wetlands differ from other bodies of water?
What distinguishes wetlands from other water bodies is that they host aquatic plants called hydrophytes[2]. These water loving plants have adapted to growing in the low oxygen conditions characteristic of wetlands.
Are bogs and marshes wetlands?
Yes. In Alberta, wetlands are divided into two broad groups: peatlands (bogs and fens) and mineral wetlands (marshes, fens, and shallow open water). These two groups are divided into other sub-categories based on things like what kind of vegetation is found there and how long the water stays above the ground.[3]
Are wetlands good for the climate?
Wetlands can play an important role in reducing the volume of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere[4]. According to a 2022 paper published in Science, wetlands store 20% of the organic ecosystem carbon on the planet, even though they cover only 1% of the Earth’s surface[5].
Why else are wetlands so important?
Wetlands support a variety of animal and plant life, including rare and protected species. Wetlands act like giant sponges during heavy rain, absorbing excess water to limit the effects of flooding. They then release that water slowly during dry periods. Wetland microorganisms, such as fungi and algae, filter wastes and purify water. Wetlands are also popular places for recreational activities and are culturally significant to Indigenous and Métis communities.
Where are wetlands located?
Wetlands can be found around the world, except in Antarctica[6]. In Canada, wetlands cover about 13% of the country from coast to coast[7] (includes land and freshwater area). Thirty-seven of these wetlands have been designated Wetlands of International Importance under an international convention[8].
Are there wetlands in the oil sands?
Yes. Wetlands are a major feature across Alberta covering about 20% of the total land area[9]. In the oil sands region, wetlands cover about 50% of the land base[10].
The Alberta government’s Alberta Wetland Policy outlines specific policies and guidelines that industry must follow for conserving the province’s wetland resources. Pathways Alliance members also study wetlands to better understand how to manage them optimally. We support a NSERC wetland reclamation research chair at the University of Calgary to further the science of wetland management through our innovation arm COSIA.
[1] Extent of Canada’s wetlands – Canada.ca
[2] What Are Distinguishing Characteristics of Wetlands? – The Environmental Literacy Council
[3] What is a Wetland? – Wetlands Alberta
[4] Explained | Why wetlands are so important for environmental sustainability, climate resilience, and human wellbeing – Climate Fact Checks
[5] Recovering wetland biogeomorphic feedbacks to restore the world’s biotic carbon hotspots
[6] Where Are Wetlands Located in the World? – The Environmental Literacy Council
[7] Extent of Canada’s wetlands – Canada.ca
[8] Internationally important wetlands: Ramsar Convention – Canada.ca
[9] Alberta’s Peatlands – Nature Alberta
[10] Controls on plot-scale evapotranspiration from a constructed fen in the Athabasca Oil Sands Region, Alberta